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Today’s writing is the first of a very important series of basic elements. Those who understand and implement it in their lives gain a different view of humanity and society. This broader view is very important to reach new milestones on the road to happiness, and many methods discussed on this blog will be based on the knowledge of this system.
The system that I will present you with today was created by one of the founders of kinesiology, who was also a professor of psychiatry. Dr. David R. Hawkins wrote about his findings and his system in his book “Power Vs. Force”. It probably wouldn’t be an exaggeration on my part to say that this book is one of the best ones written about the human spirit and psyche. I highly recommend the book to those whose interest is piqued by this blog. If it were up to me to decide the curriculum, I would make this book an essential read in high school.
It is a scientifically proven fact that the human soul has a certain
energy level. This energy affects people around us and reflects our inner spiritual
state. The different vibration levels of the soul can be linked to specific
levels which you can see here (from lowest up):
o Shame and Guilt (energetic log: 20-30)
o Apathy and Grief (energetic log: 50-75)
o Fear (energetic log: 100)
o Desire (energetic log: 125)
o Anger (energetic log: 150)
o Pride (energetic log: 175)
o Courage (energetic log: 200)
o Neutrality (energetic log: 250)
o Willingness (energetic log: 310)
o Acceptance (energetic log: 350)
o Reason (energetic log: 400)
o Love (energetic log: 500)
o Joy and Peace (energetic log: 540-600)
o Enlightenment (energetic log: 700-100)
The soul of an average person
has felt most of these 17 feelings before. However it is from the average value
of our feelings that our vibration level can be calculated from. Each level can
be characterized by the defining feeling of that level (which is the one displayed
in the list above and is also how the levels are generally referred to). Now is
when the interesting things begin. From the level of shame to that of pride, a
person emits such negative energies from themselves that make them a life-destroyer
and have a negative impact to people and other living beings around them. From
the level of courage to enlightenment the human spirit emits positive and life-supporting
energies that positively impact their environment.
I’m sure you’ve experienced how
being around a spiritually mature person made you feel more peaceful, happy and
energetic. The same way you’ve experienced how around someone who’s always
complaining and trying to make everyone feel sorry for them quickly drains you.
This is because the energies of our individual souls influence each other and are
always trying to find a state of balance. The term energy-vampire reflects perfectly
the reality of the situation.
When someone on a high
spiritual level gives a lecture or a presentation, they generally manage to
grasp everyone in the room with their positive ambience, even without the viewers
being aware of it. Depending on which level they’re on, such a person can even balance
out the negative energies of several tens of thousands of people close to them
(although that is admittedly a very high level). Think about Buddha, Jesus or
Mother Teresa for example and how big of an impact they had on their environment.
(In my understanding, Buddha and Jesus were both enlightened people). This energy
system is scientifically proven to exist and to work.
If we inspect our lives from this
perspective, we immediately get the answer to why it is so important that we are
attentive to our spiritual development. Because we influence the happiness of
others beside our own, even without the other person being aware of it. The most
definitive step of our spiritual journey is when we advance from the level of
Pride (the level of the ego) to the level of Courage because this is when we go
from being life-destroyers to being life-supporters.
If the average energy level of
humanity reaches the level of Courage (and thereby the first level of
life-supporters), then the destruction of nature on Earth will moderate and the
fight against climate change will become truly effective. This is why climate
change and your personal happiness share the same root. (If you’d be interested
in reading more about the link between spiritual vibration levels and climate
change, you can find another writing of mine here.)
But let’s get back to Your
life. If you want to live a happier life, have a more peaceful and loving
family and more devoted friends, you have to elevate the level of your
vibration by the advancement of your soul. This is the most you can do for
yourself, your loved ones and for the world! This is why wise men say that true
happiness comes from within and not from without. If you change the vibration of
your soul in a positive direction, you’ll become more peaceful, more harmonious,
more loving and your soul won’t attract as many bad things either. Your
relationships will become more meaningful and the negative outswings in your
life will become less and less extreme. It’s worth it, doesn’t it? I can tell you
from years of experience that the answer is yes. It wasn’t so long ago that I
was living on life-destroyer levels, without any knowledge of this system (or of
spirituality as I now see it). Now I live on a high level of life-supporters
and the consequences are almost unbelievable. I have experienced great changes
in every field of life. If I had to describe my life ten years ago in one word,
I think I would choose the word “suffering”. If I had to do the same with my
life today, I’d choose the word “miracle”.
This blog is written so that,
by reading a few writings every few weeks, you can get closer to this miracle
too. I honestly hope you will get there soon!
To provide you with a way of
understanding the complete system and each of the levels in more detail, I will
write about them in later blog entries. I hope that you’ve found this topic
If you are interested in the previous part of this heading click here.
If you seek a better understanding of the blog’s structure, you
can find a short guide here.
If you’d be interested in reading a book which talks even further about the topic above as well as many other life changing concepts click here. But don’t forget that the answers to Life’s great questions can only truly be found in yourself! This book as well as this blog can only help you find your own way there...
I would be glad to hear your
further ideas or constructive cristism, which you can share with me in a
comment below the article.
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